A.) the doctors- are they knowledgable? Are they nice enough without being so gentle that they won't tell me the truth? Do they understand my personal situation or am I going to be forced into a cookie cutter program?
B.) the number of additional doctors on the team- I think I will get a medical oncologist, a gynecological oncologist, probably a technician for mammograms, a scheduler, and the genetic counselor. What else do I need? Who else would be truly helpful? Are these other doctors readily available or am I just going to see technicians every visit?
C.) the plan- I don't know when to start my scans, I don't know how often each group will suggest, I don't know if they're going to look at family history/my body type/my life plan to try to configure a plan
D.) the numbers- I only have the numbers I've found on the internet, and the brochure that came with the positive test results... I need updated numbers, how on top of these newer medical issues are these groups? I want honesty, not sugar-coated candy sticks!
So, I will go to both appointments, see how I like both through the above criteria, and hopefully find a lifetime doctor group.
(I did not include additional staff as part of my factors because both women that I spoke with were amazing! Both were gentle but knowledgable, understanding of my urgency and had all the right answers to my questions.)
Update on my working out- I have a love/hate relationship with exercise. I love when I'm done, I hate getting out of bed to workout when it is this cold! With that said.. Pinterest saved my life though! I found a handful of 10 minute workouts by a trainer used by some of the Victoria Secret models by PopSugar. I did the bikini prep one yesterday and got my butt kicked real quick hahaha ten minutes to be exact!
I'll keep y'all posted!
The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.
I'm following along : ) I hope you find the doctors and a plan you are comfortable with. Good for you for being proactive and for sharing the journey! xo